True Nature Films fills a neglected niche in the television market by providing grass-roots environmental education films, tailor-made for targeted audiences. The films have proved themselves time and again as one of the most powerful conservation and development tools for non-governmental organisations, educating and inspiring the needed behavioural change in a timely and cost-effective manner.

The following clip illustrates just how effective films can be in creating change.

climate change movie clip
Films for Change movie clip

Africa’s Climate of Change

A five part series of documentaries filmed in Kenya and produced in English, Swahili, Luganda and Kinyarwanda aimed at small-scale farmers in Eastern Africa. The films were produced with the Swedish Cooperative Centre and Vi Agroforestry to illustrate how farmers can overcome poverty and the increasingly harsh climatic conditions experienced throughout the region. Through Agroforestry, Agronomy, Soil and Water Conservation, the establishment of small businesses and savings schemes, farmers are able to completely transform their lives and local habitats, improving their livelihoods while protecting their environment.

climate change movie clip
Climate Change movie clip

Trees Are Life

A documentary filmed in Tanzania and produced in English and Swahili for Vi Agroforestry. The film is about how one of Africa’s great environmental problems – deforestation – can be largely overcome by helping farmers adopt sustainable farming practices. It is about how the world can reward them for this service through visionary carbon credit schemes, thereby helping Africa develop sustainably and obtain the means to adapt to global warming, while also mitigating the impacts of climate change worldwide.

Trees are Life movie clip
Trees Are Life movie clip

Eramatare Naata Dupoto

Working with the Living with Lions project, this film in Maasai and Swahili is the first of its kind to tackle the gross problem of human-wildlife conflict between predators and livestock. It has proved immensely successful, decreasing revenge killings of lion and reducing predation in certain areas by up to 30%.

Living with Lions movie clip
Living With Lions movie clip

An Elephant's Chilli Reception

A film with Bemba and English versions on methods to reduce elephant crop-raiding amongst the communities surrounding Kasanka National Park. Community officers have been delighted with the impact this film has had in inspiring people to adopt the use of chilli fences to deter elephants from destroying their livelihoods.

Elephant's Chilli Reception movie clip
Elephant's Chilli Reception movie clip
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